Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day Two: 6th Period: Poems

Today you will be sharing the poems you have brought to class.  Comment to this "Day Two" post to share your poem with the class.  Please remember to include the title and author of the poem as well as your name at the bottom of the post. 


  1. This is not a poem but a selection fro the Tao Te Ching by Lao-Tzu, a Chinese spiritual text. ("Tao" means "the way"). I find it to be meaningful to me when I am stressed about which path to take in life...

    Shang shan jo shui
    Best to be like water,
    Which benefits the ten thousand things
    And does not contend.
    It pools where humans disdain to dwell,
    Close to the Tao.

    Live in a good place.
    Keep your mind deep.
    Treat others well.
    Stand by your word.
    Make fair rules.
    Do the right thing.
    Work when it's time.

    Only do not contend,
    And you will not go wrong.

  2. Messy Room by Shel Silverstein

    Whosever room this is should be ashamed!
    His underwear is hanging on the lamp.
    His raincoat is there in the overstuffed chair,
    And the chair is becoming quite mucky and damp.
    His workbook is wedged in the window,
    His sweater's been thrown on the floor.
    His scarf and one ski are beneath the TV,
    And his pants have been carelessly hung on the door.
    His books are all jammed in the closet,
    His vest has been left in the hall.
    A lizard named Ed is asleep in his bed,
    And his smelly old sock has been stuck to the wall.
    Whosever room this is should be ashamed!
    Donald or Robert or Willie or--
    Huh? You say it's mine? Oh, dear,
    I knew it looked familiar!

    posted by Latisha Cunningham

  3. I have a crush on you!
    by Jessica

    I have a crush on you,
    I know it is for real.
    Not like any other crushes I used to have,
    This one I can feel.

    When you walk by me,
    My heart start to race.
    When I stare at you,
    I feel your warm embrace.

    We rarely talk at all,
    Not even a ?hi? down the hall.
    Then how did I fall for you?
    How did I know this crush is true?

    Maybe it's your smile,
    And your other that and this.
    Maybe it's your eyes,
    That I just can't resist.

    You overflow my head,
    With your words that I would overheard.
    I even dream about you,
    Which I think is just absurd!

    I know you know,
    That I have a crush on you.
    I hope you feel the same,
    But that's just too untrue.

    I finally decided,
    To tell you how I feel.
    I just need to know what you?ll say,
    What you will reveal.

    You may say ? I'm sorry,
    I don't like you at all.?
    Or a simple ?yes,
    You?re the person I'm waiting for?

    It is worth the try ,
    And as they always say,
    Any one can be your friend,
    But only one, can be your soul mate.

  4. Wow jamal i loveee your poem . i can remeber those days when i felt just like the author, to have a crush on someone but be to afraid to tell them because you are afraid of rejection, but now imma "BIG DAWG" LOL

  5. u'll think ive gone insane
    gotta get my head in the game
    through u in this mix
    ill get in all my kicks
    punching left and right
    i need to be ready
    i need to fight
    no more bull
    no more lies
    after all these years
    im breaking all ties
    ill shead no more tears
    after all ive seen
    dont be suprised
    if u think im mean
    courage and heart
    a fighter with in me from the start
    no more mistakes
    giving everything ive got
    ill do whatever it takes
    its time i fought
    breaking my habit of running away
    im here to fight im here to stay
    hit me with ur best shot
    im not afriad give me what u got

    Post by Deshuna Durham

  6. TO latisha's post: that was wack and didnt rhyme but its cute i guess for elementry school. by jamal r. thompson

  7. Men by Maya Angelou
    When I was young, I used to
    Watch behind the curtains
    As men walked up and down the street. Wino men, old men.
    Young men sharp as mustard.
    See them. Men are always
    Going somewhere.
    They knew I was there. Fifteen
    Years old and starving for them.
    Under my window, they would pause,
    Their shoulders high like the
    Breasts of a young girl,
    Jacket tails slapping over
    Those behinds,

    One day they hold you in the
    Palms of their hands, gentle, as if you
    Were the last raw egg in the world. Then
    They tighten up. Just a little. The
    First squeeze is nice. A quick hug.
    Soft into your defenselessness. A little
    More. The hurt begins. Wrench out a
    Smile that slides around the fear. When the
    Air disappears,
    Your mind pops, exploding fiercely, briefly,
    Like the head of a kitchen match. Shattered.
    It is your juice
    That runs down their legs. Staining their shoes.
    When the earth rights itself again,
    And taste tries to return to the tongue,
    Your body has slammed shut. Forever.
    No keys exist.

    Then the window draws full upon
    Your mind. There, just beyond
    The sway of curtains, men walk.
    Knowing something.
    Going someplace.
    But this time, I will simply
    Stand and watch.


    DyQuaisha Neita

  8. I Think It's Love

    Heather C.

    I don't know what to say
    Or even what to do
    All I know is that
    I think I'm in love with you

    Every time you hold me close
    Or put your hand in mine
    I feel like just maybe
    I won't let go this time

    I know that you don't see it
    But it's a feeling all so new
    I don't know what's happening
    But I think I'm in love with you

    I'm afraid of what could happen
    If we keep going on this way
    But you put your lips to mine
    And I feel I have to stay

    I try to tell you how I feel
    To let you know it's true
    That maybe just maybe
    I'm in love with you

    This may sound silly I know
    But I needed to let it out
    Because there is something there
    I know without a doubt

    So stop treating me like a toy
    I'm a person too
    I need you to realize my feelings
    I think I'm in love with you

    posted by Latisha Cunningham

  9. Burn The Beauty
    Elizabeth Rock

    One does not own beauty,
    One creates it.
    In their dreams
    They feel they can obtain it.

    All alone, in a dark nights
    All their thoughts.....

    Cursed by change
    Hidden by lies,
    Running from the truth
    Beauty now dies.

    They don't understand
    They don't really care.
    Beauty now burns
    Smoke in the air.

    Years go by
    And age seeps in.
    Beauty's worn out
    Life is giving in.

    Death creeps up,
    Beauty now cries.
    Your all alone
    In your beautiful lies!

    Posted by Stephanie Wyche

  10. To deshuna, wow that poem was deep, have you ever felt that way before.. have you??

    by Laisha Cunningham

  11. One Thing I Don't Need
    By:Ntozake Shange

    one thing i don’t need
    is any more apologies
    i got sorry greetin me at my front door
    you can keep yrs
    i don’t know what to do wit em
    they dont open doors
    or bring the sun back
    they dont make me happy
    or get a mornin paper
    didnt nobody stop usin my tears to wash cars
    cuz a sorry

    i am simply tired
    of collectin
    i didnt know
    i was so important toyou
    i’m gonna haveta throw some away
    i cant get to the clothes in my closet
    for alla the sorries
    i’m gonna tack a sign to my door
    leave a message by the phone
    ‘if you called
    to say yr sorry
    call somebody
    i dont use em anymore’
    i let sorry/ didnt meanta/ & how could i know about that
    take a walk down a dark & musty street in brooklyn
    i’m gonna do exactly what i want to
    & i wont be sorry for none of it
    letta sorry soothe yr soul/ i’m gonna soothe mine

    you were always inconsistent
    doin somethin & then bein sorry
    beatin my heart to death
    talkin bout you sorry
    i will not call
    i’m not goin to be nice
    i will raise my voice
    & scream & holler
    & break things & race the engine
    & tell all yr secrets bout yrself to yr face
    & i will list in detail everyone of my wonderful lovers
    & their ways
    i will play oliver lake
    & i wont be sorry for none of it

    i loved you on purpose
    i was open on purpose
    i still crave vulnerability & close talk
    & i’m not even sorry bout you bein sorry
    you can carry all the guilt & grime ya wanna
    just dont give it to me
    i cant use another sorry
    next time
    you should admit
    you’re mean/ low-down/ triflin/ & no count straight out
    steada bein sorry alla the time
    enjoy bein yrself

    -Chayvon McCray

  12. Dead Uncle Earl

    This temporary madness
    A simple sinful grin
    Freezes the heart
    And widens the eyelids
    Smile of crooked pearls
    Breathe of deceased flesh
    Chatters the bones
    And pierces the chest
    Nails that will slice
    Swollen fists will fight
    The fear has risen
    Beneath weeded grave
    Given all my respects
    There's no need to stay

    by raymond

  13. If You Forget Me by Pablo Neruda
    I want you to know
    one thing.

    You know how this is:
    if I look
    at the crystal moon, at the red branch
    of the slow autumn at my window,
    if I touch
    near the fire
    the impalpable ash
    or the wrinkled body of the log,
    everything carries me to you,
    as if everything that exists,
    aromas, light, metals,
    were little boats
    that sail
    toward those isles of yours that wait for me.

    Well, now,
    if little by little you stop loving me
    I shall stop loving you little by little.

    If suddenly
    you forget me
    do not look for me,
    for I shall already have forgotten you.

    If you think it long and mad,
    the wind of banners
    that passes through my life,
    and you decide
    to leave me at the shore
    of the heart where I have roots,
    that on that day,
    at that hour,
    I shall lift my arms
    and my roots will set off
    to seek another land.

    if each day,
    each hour,
    you feel that you are destined for me
    with implacable sweetness,
    if each day a flower
    climbs up to your lips to seek me,
    ah my love, ah my own,
    in me all that fire is repeated,
    in me nothing is extinguished or forgotten,
    my love feeds on your love, beloved,
    and as long as you live it will be in your arms
    without leaving mine

  14. You Get On My Nerves...
    by Catalina

    I didn't get to choke you like I want,
    though Lord knows I meant it.
    I would say to hell with this,
    and give up this shit.
    But there's just something about you,
    I feel like I know you.
    Yeah I sound crazy,
    but that's cuz you not used to how I do.
    Ordinarily I write men into a trance,
    and hold them there as long as I feel like.
    But your something different,
    gonna have me ending up on the Turnpike.
    Yet all of this,
    feels like a waste of words.
    Because all you really wanna do it seems,
    is get on my nerves!

    Latisha Cuuningham

  15. To Latisha
    Yes i have felt that way i think everybody has felt that way in their life i liked your poem lol even though it did not rhyme..

    By Deshuna

  16. Together

    He was happy-go-lucky
    Her attitude was pretty sucky
    He had love all his life
    Her parents only caused her strife

    He was of the air
    So light, flying and free
    She was bound to the Earth
    The only place she could “see”

    Her mastery of Earth was unchallenged
    His powers of air were immense
    Together, these two forces create
    A corollary that’s quite intense

    When they met, they instantly clashed
    One caring, the other brash
    Soon enough though, they got along
    For together, they found they grew strong

    He helped her experience life
    And live it to the fullest
    With her help, he grew bolder
    And learned to stand up to threats

    When they stand side by side
    Everything feels okay
    As long as they stick together
    Nothing can get in their way

    Fredo Loiseau

  17. People say whats the point in liking someone who doesn't like you back. They are right, there isn't a point. But you can't help who you like, it's not up to you. Your heart kinda just decides for you and there is no turning back once your heart makes up its mind.

  18. A Latissa
    This poem was great and it instantly grabbed my attention. Maybe because it has some really strong feeling. Good choice!

    Fredo Loiseau
