Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day Two: 4th Period: Responses

After you have posted the poem you brought in, you will choose someone else's poem and write a response to it.  Comment to this post when writing your response.  Include the name of the poem and poet to which you are responding.

Your written response  should be between 100-200 words.  It should contain a discussion of at least one poetic device, such as simile, metaphor, personification, analogy, symbolism, allusion, paradox, oxymoron, rhyme, alliteration, assonance, onomatopoeia, free verse, repetition, refrain, diction, or tone.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Monica Tolson's response to Shantasia Poem : What I Love About You. I admire that poem because it has alot of meaning to it and as I read it i can picture the person that the poem reminds me of. I chose your poem not because the tittle caught my attention but it has a rhyme to close to ABAB. For an example
    I love the way you look at me,
    Your eyes so bright and blue.
    I love the way you kiss me,
    Your lips so soft and smooth.

  3. No Title
    Author: Jessica Bland
    @ Tatyana Woodson

    I love this poem you chose. It’s the perfect love poem not to long just enough to get out how you feel. This part from your poem was really deep “I wrote your name in the sand, but the waves washed it away.” I picture a broken heart when I hear that part. Another part that I like was “I wrote your name in my heart, and forever it will stay.” To me that’s real love and this person holds the key to your heart. This poem is considered to a paradox because it expresses the truth about how you feel. And I’m not the type to like rhyming poems so I’m glad you chose a free verse poem. And the tone I got from this poem was like the girl who wrote it was sad at the beginning but happy at the end to know that their love is forever.

    -Shameeka Bates

  4. What I Love About You

    To me this poem is written about somebody that is truly in love. She describes every thing that makes her feel the way she does about this person she is in love with. In my opinion this poem is very passionate and the woman is pouring her heart out about this person that she is deeply in love with. This poem has rhyme in it. It is abab cded fgfg. The rhyme makes the poem more understandable and enjoyable. The rhyme that this poem has is much different than a normal rhyme in a poem. Some words rhymed and some didn’t.

    destinee hunt

  5. Title: Superwoman
    Author: N/A
    @Destinee Hunt
    This poem has a lot of heart and is a very inspirational. It has meaning to it and really makes people think and I think all poems should be like this. I believe that it shows how you feel and how the person makes you feel. It has many examples of similes such as “You make me feel like I’m some kind of queen”. Another example would be “Sometimes you make me feel like a super hero” in this simile you’re being compared to a hero something that is truly not real. Those are examples because they compare how he treats you to the unreal.
    -Shantasia McCain

  6. Edwin Murphy's response to Destinee Hunt's poem: i like the poem you chose. The tone and mood of the poem shifts between happy and sad mood because it describes how the person makes you feel whenever you are around them. At first they describe how sometimes when they are around, they make you feel happy, cared, and that nothing can hurt you. Then the mood changes when it starts to describes how they make you feel alone, low, and not wanted.

  7. @ Edwin
    I like the poem you choose The Beach By Robert Graves. It is a funny poem but also has some painful things in this poem. It is a good poem to read for people that want to laugh to. I also I like the ending of the poem as well. Also the tone in this poem is joyful and funny. So in my opinion it is a good and funny poem to read.

    Javelle Martin

  8. Tateyana’s poem is about a man or female with heavy feelings about that special someone that he or she has on their mind. Its clear to see that the person is in love by how she is picturing that they are writing the love ones name and showing their love. The persons love is flowing so they described the water as washing it away and the wind blowing it away so the mates love must not be as heavy and deep. Its almost like a showing my love that u don’t see type of thing.

    Taymon’s comment

  9. The tone I got from Morayma’s poem is heartwarming. It describes all the ways to love or show love. It doesn’t have a rhyme scheme, but it is written in parallel structure. The writer uses a lot of holy words like pray, blessing, and God, saying that love gives you a heavenly feeling. In the poem, the author compares love to a lot of actions. The meaning I got from that is that love takes more than just saying it. This poem is good because it expresses love in someone’s opinion. Most of the time, love is hard to describe because it has no real meaning.
    -Chris Wills

  10. @ Taymon

    This poem seem like it was expressing the way someone feel about life by putting their emotions out there. They were thinking about their dreams. Someone who wanted to get away from the darkness.


  11. @ Pollard

    I think the poem is about different gods that people believe in and worship . Its also myths that people follow and believe. Theirs certain ways that you live . There also things that man made. Some people go to church every Sunday and some who don’t . Theirs people with different myths that have problems an go to church an try to get prayer.

    Terence Blackwell

  12. The poem “Does Heaven Have a Phone Number” has a very sad tone. It’s about a child looking for his/her mother who has died and gone to heaven, but the child doesn’t understand that she is not coming back. So the child calls the telephone operator asking if she can get the number to heaven. The child starts to explain to the lady that she has a stomach ack and wants his/her mother to come home to make it feel better. Then the child tells the operator how he/she hears his/her farther crying at night and sometimes calling out the mothers name. By:Denzel Strodder

  13. Title: The Negro Speaks Of Rivers

    Author: Langston Hughes

    @Keon Vaughn

    This poem is very abstruse because I took a lot of different meanings and tones from it. This poem reminds me of slavery when the slaves use to bathe, and wash clothes in a nearby river because they did not have any other water sources, or of a homeless person who doesn’t have anything so he uses the River or Lake to clean him or herself. It also has a cleanliness tone to it because of the word bathed and it made me think of being saved in a Church as if being Baptized or something. From this poem I also took that even though the person in it does not have much, he still finds peace in his life somehow because in the poem he say “I looked upon the Nile and raised the pyramids above it. I built my hut near the Congo and it lulled me to sleep” which basically lets the reader know that he is satisfied with his life.

    -DeAndre Pollard

  14. I just read a poem by Jacob M. Parnell.When I read it I kind of liked it but it was kind of telling the truth about love when it storng at first then eventually starts to fade away.It was comparing it to a quiz and giving a teacher a bribe.Every other line rythmes with each other.It starts out as abab cdcd.Theres some simile in there when I read it.This poem made me think about when you become in love its realy an illusion.

  15. I like the poem titled You was always there. The tone is very settled,easy to relate to and understandable. The person in this poem is talking about a very close friend that was always there for them through trials,tribulations,heartbrakes and sorrows. Now their friend is dead and they dont know what to do. They pray at night and picture their close friend and wishes their friend could come back because they feel lost without this person.

    Jewel Wiggins

  16. My comment is to Shantasia. You chose a very beautiful poem. It almost brought chills down my spine. I really like it because she is actually expressing how she feels and what she likes about her loved one. I also liked the rhyming scheme that it had, it almost sounded like it could be a chorus of a song. It was a short poem but it expresses nice thoughts and feelings about you and your loved one. The lines that caught my attention the most were the first couple of lines. This was mainly the reason why i decided to read your poem. But overall it was a very good poem to read.
    - Morayma Marte

  17. Response To Jewel Wiggins Poem
    This poem makes me feel sad. “Does heaven have a phone number? Mommy went to heaven, but I need her here today. My tummy hurts and I fell down; I need her right away,” this part of the poem make me think of my dad. I can understand everything that the little girl was saying. The tone was very sentimental. It explained everything the little girl was going through. Her losing her mother at a young age and not knowing if she really going to come back or not.

    Tatyana Woodson

  18. Response to: Shantasia McCain “What I love about you” by Crystal Jansen
    I really liked this poem. It had very consistent parallelism and had an abab cdcd rhyme scheme . . eventhough, I still don’t think “happy” and “you” rhyme. I felt like the tone of this elegant piece of poem was a bit soft and calm. This poem, I figured, had a happy and “feel-good” mood. Subsequent to reading this poem, I can really grasp that the individual was truly and deeply “in love” because of how she wrote “love” in every other line. I thought this poem was a bit elementary though. Not that it’s a bad thing, it just is easy to read and I think anybody can picture and get what she’s talking about.
    -Marcus Johnson
